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Daffodil Hill Press Help Center

  • Are you a sole source vendor?
    As of May 9, 2024, we are no longer a sole source vendor. In addition to buying directly from us, you can also buy some of our products through distributors like Booksource, Mackin, and Custom Education Solutions. Check back here for an updated list of our distribution partners.
  • What do I do if I am purchasing for a school that has tax exempt status?
    There are two options for schools that have tax exempt status. One option is that we can send you a price quote, then you can send us a Purchase Order and then we will send you an invoice after you receive the books. The other option is that we can send you an invoice for the cost of the books without the tax. Reach out to us at or fill out the Contact Us form on our homepage for more information.
  • Do you have a W9?
    You can download our W9 here.
  • Do you have a NJ Business Certificate of Registration?
    Yes, attached is our NJ Business Registration Certificate. KKLM Learning LLC is Daffodil Hill Press.
  • Are you a vendor for NYC DOE schools and have a FAMIS number?
    Yes, our FAMIS number is KKL734247. Our business name is KKLM Learning LLC. Please email if you have any other questions.
  • What is your Chicago Public Schools vendor number?
    Our Chicago Public Schools vendor number is 42293. Our vendor name is KKLM Learning LLC. Please email if you have any questions.
NJ Business Certificate
NYC FAMIS number
Chicago Public Schools Vendor Number
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